Thursday, March 21, 2013

March Meeting Alternative

Well, this alternate for the monthly meeting didn't pan out quite as I had hoped since I only received one question and one commentary.  Maybe you guys just have all the answers.  :)  Anyway, it feels good to write on here and share what little bit that I know. 

We will start with the question, submitted by LeeAnn: What can you get with the base host rewards?  Meaning the biggest deal?    This is a GREAT question.  Unfortunately, it's not an easy answer for me because I am not the math mind.  Your minimal host rewards are going to be $15 in free product and 1-2 half price items.  Technically, it's one half price item and one perpetual party reward, but you could give that to your hostess if you don't have a past host to give it to.  You can keep it for yourself too, if you're needing wanting something.  LOL!  I honestly don't know the most bang you can get for your buck on the rewards.  There are just so many options for Scentsy Fragrance.  If you're talking warmers and bars, I would say a 3 pack of bars ($14) and a light bulb ($1) for free, and then get one of the systems on page 64 for half-price.  This could you 6 bars, a plug-in warmer, and a light bulb for $17.  If you do a mid-size warmer, it would be $19.50 for regular or $22 for premium.  If you do a full-size warmer, it's $22 for a regular and $24.50 for a premium.  There are also several combine and save deals for on the go products and the layers line, so you could play with the math and options once you have a wish list in hand from your hostesses.  I hope this helps, LeeAnn.  Be looking for a little something in the mail for asking!

The comment submitted by Kasey and Victoria had to do with the March Madness deal for the Campus Collection Warmers.  If you didn't know, these are being offered at 40% off this month which is a phenomenal deal - $21 for a $35 warmer.  The catch is that Scentsy has a certain number for each school that they are willing to see at this price, and once that number is sold it's back to $35.  The things is we have no idea how close they are to that number for each school, and you could conceivably get an order from a customer at the sale price and it go back to regular price before you get the order placed.  Kasey and Victoria had a few of these warmers waffling back and forth on price and availability while they were wrapping up an order.  So, just be careful what you tell your customers and make sure they are aware that quantities are getting low at the sale price.  You might even ask if they are willing to pay the full price if that's the only way to get the warmer just to be on the safe side.  Thank you ladies.  I'll have a little something for you the next time I see you for the response and the AMAZING month you are having (over 1200 PRV).  You ladies are rocking it!

Lastly a few announcements:  There is a training in Edmond, OK, on April 6 being done by our SuperStar Director Allison Dalke and some of the other Directors and SuperStar Directors on her team. I've heard that there are some amazing presentations planned.  We traveled to OK for this last year, and it was great!!  The cost is $35 and includes the materials and a t-shirt.  There is also an online option for $25 that will get you the materials via email and the t-shirt.  The theme for this year's event is GROW, so if you are looking to grow your business I highly recommend it.  Registration is open through Saturday.  If you didn't get the email, let me know, and I can forward it to you.  I will be attending online this year since it's just too difficult for me to travel for it this year.
Along the same line, Allison offers an Online Steps to Success the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 8:00 Central Time.  It is often very informative and always fun.  It's a great Scentsy boost to get you excited about our business.  You should receive the link to this online meeting in your email every month.
If you are missing out on Scentsy Family emails or emails from your upline, please check your workstation account settings and confirm the address is correct.  This is how you get a lot of great information and invitations.

OK, this has gotten rather wordy, so I'm going to stop.  I have some more things to tell you, but I'll save it for another night.  How was that for a teaser?  Love you guys!!!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Transition and September Team Meeting

Don't you just love this time of year with Scentsy?  I am so busy.  I'm meeting myself coming and going.  I am truly a Scentsy Family consultant this month with a major event going with each brand - a Scentsy Fragrance fundraiser, a Velata Mystery Host event with other vendors, and a couple of Grace Adele catalog parties and maybe a Grace Adele home party.  Whew!  I'd lose my mind if it weren't for my fabulous husband and my to-do list.  I'll try to make this post as short as possible, but we had much to discuss at our team meeting last Saturday.

First off, I want to give a shoutout to Lesya for having over 200 in PRV last month, and she already has over 200 PRV this month.  Way to go!  I surprisingly ended last month with over 150 PRV which met my personal goal of being active every month through the summer.

Transition:  I hope everyone ordered their new testers and catalogs in August while it was all 10% off.  Isn't the new catalog fantastic?  I think it's the best yet.  If you are like me and have Spring/Summer catalog leftover, I have a cool suggestion to use them.  I got this from another Scentsy Consultant up in Kansas City.  She suggested putting a sticker on them that says, "I know this catalog may be old, but look inside and you'll be sold" or "Many great products you will see.  Ask me how to get your FREE".  Then she had the brilliant idea to take them to male-dominated waiting rooms - barber shops, oil changing stations, tire places, etc.  This way you can get your name out there, use your old catalogs, and may be get some new customers or hostesses.

Sincerely Scent:  This much-anticipated new Scentsy Fragrance line finally launched on September 1.  You can order a marketing kit for just $7.  I got mine tonight.  It's basically a folder with sample cards that can be set up for display at parties.  There are many wonderful uses for Sincerely Scent.  They have a special category for consultants with cards to recognize downline and thank customers.  Of course, you can send them out to everyone you know and never miss another important card-giving moment.  Then, you can use it to boost sales, bring people to our other amazing products, and encourage fund-raising opportunities.  I highly recommend you at least checkout the website: I've actually purchased 10 credits, so I can play with the site and better guide my team and customers.

Our main topic for the meeting was parties.  I asked everyone to book one party by the meeting, and I hope you all met the goal.  Below is the information from the meeting handout.  If you'd like more information about our discussion, please email or call me to discuss.  It's a lot to go into here.

I hope you all take advantage of this wonderful time for Scentsy Fragrance.  The Holiday Collection goes on sale Saturday and brochures are available through the Scentsy Family store, or you can download a copy from the Resources tab on your Workstation.  As always, feel free to contact me if you have questions or want to talk.  I love my Scentsy, and I love to share what insights I have to help you make your business successful.


Home Parties

·        Make your 10 minutes count (Catalog Walk)

·        Engage with enthusiasm (Ask affirmative questions)

·        Focus on the personal connection  

Basket/Bag Parties

·        Checkout slips

·        Simple vs. More Complex

·        Stay in touch with the Host 

Open House

·        Great for launch or transition season parties

·        Specials for stock

·        Door prizes to get contact information


·        Get as much information up front as possible

·        Plan booth in advance (Buy, Host, Join)

·        Takeaway with your name on it

·        Giveaway to get contact information

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

News from Convention

It's getting late, so instead of talking to you about another one of the convention speakers I've decided to cover all the news we received at Convention this year in case you've missed it in your Scentsy, Inc emails.

First, I want to send a very special congratulations to Lesya!  She received her 10,000 lifetime PRV bracelet and charm over the summer, and I missed giving her a special WAY TO GO at the time!  What an awesome job!

And now on with the news:

Velata: This new brand is beginning much like that of the original Scentsy Wickless (now called Scentsy Fragrance).  Don't get discouraged if sales aren't as high as you'd like.  A new catalog is not coming for Fall, but they are working on some new stuff.

Grace Adele:  This was the BIG news from convention.  The announcement of our latest Scentsy Family brand.  This is a high-fashion handbag, clutch, accessories brand.  There are 5 core bag designs, 6 clutch designs, and 7 colors.  There are also 9 jewelry collections available in all colors.  There are also 4 premium leather core bags.  The idea is that you mix and match the bags, clutches, accessories, and jewelry to fit your own personal style all the while being fashionable.  The starter kit is $199 and includes $190 worth of product NOT including the business supplies.

Incentive Trip 2013:  We covered this pretty thoroughly a couple of posts ago.  It's called Pick. Pack. Play.  You get to choose between 6 destinations when you qualify.  The highest qualifiers will choose first.  The destinations are Whistler, Charleston, NYC, Washington, D.C., Oahu, and Costa Rica.

Leadership Retreat 2012-2015:  Due to our ever increasing size, it is getting difficult to find destinations to hold all of us.  They have decided to hold Leadership Retreat at the same location for the next 3 years at the Moon Palace resort in Cancun, Mexico.  This trip is only for Director's and above, so we need to get busy!  I personally love this option because I honeymooned at the Sun Palace in Cancun - a sister resort to the Moon Palace. 

Spring Sprint 2013:  They want to be within 250 miles of 80% of all consultants with their Spring Sprint journey next year.  They will have 7 teams hitting 38 cities between February 3 and February 23.  Look for the city announcements coming soon.

Scentsy Convention 2013:  To coincide with our growing family of brands and our camaraderie as consultants with each other and the home office, this event will now be called the Scentsy Family Reunion.  It will be held a Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, IN, July 10-12, 2013.  I hope to see many of you there!

I think that hits most of the news.  I'll get back to speakers next week.  Until then, I remain

Scentsationally yours,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Light the Fire Within

As promised in my last post, I'm going to blog more, and I'm starting with some of the Convention speeches.  However, before I start on that I have to give a couple of shout-outs from July that I forgot to recognize last time:  Lesya posted over 170 PRV and Stephanie had over 200 PRV last month.  I want to give myself a bit of a pat on the back as well for having almost 300 PRV in July.  Way to go team!  :)

Heidi is our Scentsy President and is notorious for making everyone cry, including herself, with her heartfelt words.  Well, this year's convention speech was no excpetion.  She wrote a letter to her oldest daughter, Sarah, who is starting college this fall and shared the message with all of us.  These are the words of wisdom that Heidi hopes Sarah takes with her as she begins this new chapter in her life:

  • Love yourself for who you are
  • Laugh often, cry when needed, and love deeply
  • Do things that stretch you, even if you are afraid
  • Everyone needs a few good friends
  • Learn to let go
  • Always lend a helping hand
  • Dream big
  • Read, read, read!
  • Keep a journal
  • Spread your wings and fly.

How does this apply to your Scentsy business?  Well, it's just good life advice.  Most of us joined Scentsy looking for a way to make a better life for ourselves and/or our families.  Part of that is learning how to juggle all the things we have going in our busy lives.  Sometimes we need to remind ourselves to take care of us, so we can take care of all of our other responsibilities.  Heidi's speech is a nice road map for taking care of ourselves and reminds us to be who we are while striving to be even better. 

I'm still struggling with this aspect of my home business, especially while maintaining my "regular" job for 40-ish hours per week.  Now, my whole schedule has changed with my son starting Kindergarten, and my whole life will change again when we welcome our daughter on October 24.  Life is ever changing, and we have to adapt.  That is just the way it is.  If you can establish good work/life routines and habits, you can continue your business even with major life changes.  Yes, you may have to adapt the specifics, but you know what works and can fit that in to the new circumstances.  I had a busy and exhausting July, so I kind of crashed in August.  My PRV shows it (can you say goose egg?)!  However, I'm laying some foundations this week to pull it all back together for next month.  I'm OK with that.  I needed the time off to recuperate and suspected that my business would suffer.  Now, I'm ready for the big push through the Fall/Winter season and have no plans to take off a lot of time after the baby arrives.  Joseph and Aiden may have to help a lot more, but I can still work my laptop, my smartphone, and care for an infant while recovering from surgery.  Ha!  Reality may prove otherwise, but right now, I plan to work my business a LOT while I'm on maternity leave and don't have the distraction of that other job.  Wish me luck!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Scentsy Team Meeting

We had a fabulous team meeting at Panera in Bentonville on Saturday.  We talked way longer than I expected, but it was just too much fun to stop.  I'll hit the highlights of the meeting here for those that were unable to make it.

First though, remember that August is Transition month.  What does that mean?  First of all most of the Spring/Summer catalog is 10% off and several items are on the discontuned list.  This is a great time to stock up and recruit.  Most people that join Scentsy Family during a transition month get both seasons of business supplies (catalogs and testers) in their starter kit for no additional cost.  This is also the time of year to purchase your own catalogs and testers for the next season while they are discounted.

The August 11 meeting:

I opened the meeting with a discussion of the Scentsy Family business structure.  I wanted to make sure everyone understands how this whole multi-brand company works and how it benefits us.  Scentsy Family consists of three brands: Scentsy Fragrance, Velata, and Grace Adele.  As a Scentsy Family independent consultant you can sell any combination of these brands - 1, 2, or 3 - AND you can sponsor people to sell brands that you don't sell AND it all falls under one compensation plan.  This is an entirely new and innovative way to do direst-selling business.  Heidi and Orville, the predsident and CEO of Scentsy Family, want you to have a business that you can pass down to your children and run for years.  There are also long-term plans for more brands in the Scentsy Family.  If you have any questions about this structure, please don't hesitate to ask?  If I don't have the answer, I will find it.

The next topic was the Pick. Pack. Play. Incentive Trip.  I have been told that these incentive trips aren't just you receiving tickets to some nice desitination.  These are scentsified trips - they spoil you with specials and freebies.  It's probably one of those things that we won't fully understand until we take one, but if it's anything like Spring Sprint or Convention I'm sure it's amazing.  I provided the team with a handout for setting goals to achieve the incentive that I "borrowed" from Allison Dalke, our SuperStar director.  My recommendation was to jot down what you know you can do in pencil, tally your points, and find how hard you need to work to really get there.

The final topic was Convention information.  I highly recommend that you read books by the speakers from Convention - Laura Stack, the Productivity Pro; Carrie Wilkerson, the Barefoot Executie; and DeWitt Jones, the National Geographic photographer and Oscar-nominated director.  I will have more from this speakers in future blogs.  We also had some outstanding consultant speakers that spoke about successful parties.  I will have more them next month because that is the topic of our next meeting.  Orville gave an outstanding speech about being friends and not foes in this industry.  To achieve the current Scentsy Family financial forcase, we need another 800,000 consultants.  We are NOT a company on the decline - far from it.  He also laid out a Simple System of Careeer Progression in Scentsy Family.  I included a hand out with this system as well.  The big fun came when I showed off some of the new Scenty Fragrance products for Fall.  There are beautiful new warmers, amazing scents, and a couple of new products.  The Layers line as expanded to include hand soap and bath fizzies as well as adding scents to some of the existing products.  There are also new Combine & Save options to mix and match Layers products.  Best yet, Layers is part of the Fall/Winter Catalog.  I was also able to show the Grace Adele bag, clutch, keychain, mirror, and necklace given to us during the announcement of the latest brand. 

Our goal is to book a party between now and the next meeting - September 8.  The topic for that meeting will be party ideas for successful sales and recruiting.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lots of Information from Online Steps to Success

Wow!  We just had a great conversation on Vokle with our SuperStar Director, Allison Dalke, loaded with information.  I'll skip most of the need-to-know for convention stuff, since I don't think any of you are going.  However, I strongly recommend that you follow along on social media, if you want to learn all the news that will come out of convention.  You may even want to learn more about our speakers by reading their books.  The speakers this year are Carrie Wilkerson, Laura Stack, and DeWitt Jones.  I know I plan to go to and order my reading material for the plane this week.  :)

Brand X:  The latest Scentsy Family brand will be announced at convention and rumor has it that it will launch on August 1.  I'm not exactly sure if that means we will be able to sign up or sell on August 1, but that is a big day for the new brand.
Fall: Layers will be part of the Scentsy wickless catalog this Fall/Winter.  Remember August is transition month, so most of the catalog is 10% off, and starter kits order early in the month will get Spring/Summer items and Fall/Winter items.
Ideas:  If you have ideas for new products for any brand or for the Scentsy Family store, you can send them to  Use "Attn" in the subject line with a note about what brand you have any idea for in the subject line, so it's properly directed.  Scentsy is always open to our ideas, and many products now available came from fellow consultants.
Velata: One of the "party" ideas I saw in the chat box was to loan out your Velata warmer for a day.  The borrower buys the bag of chocolate, and gets to test the product before the buy.  You could probably even work a deal that you will refund them or get them a new bag of chocolate if they bring back over $150 in orders.

Well, I guess there was more convention topics on the call than I realized or maybe I didn't write it all down.  :)  At least you get an idea of what goes on with these little sessions.  It's really fun for me just to "hang out" with these amazing consultants.  These are also the types of things we can discuss in our own meetings.  I'm hoping to schedule my first Scensty team meeting on August 18th, so I can discuss with all of you the MANY things we will discuss on the Vokle call with Allison on the 14th along with topics that directly effect us and things I learn at convention.  I still recommend participating in Allison's event because I might not cover something of interest to you.  I still have not heard from most of you about whether or not you would like to Skype or Vokle into a team meeting, so I'm hoping to hear from you this week.

Allison and her team are also hosting a mini-convention in Norman, OK, on August 25.  There is an online option for $25 that includes all the materials and a t-shirt.  I will be doing online for this one because I am traveling the weekend before, and that will be the end of my son's first week in big kid school.  You don't have to watch live if you order the online option, you will get an email with links to ALL the trainings.  The main topics for this mini-convention will be how to GROW your business and be a business person especially with anticipated growth of the Scentsy Family over the next couple of years.  How exciting!!!!!

Last but VERY important - a big SHOUT OUT to Lesya and Stephanie for having over 200 PRV last month.  Way to be active, ladies!!!!

Hope you are all staying cool this summer and making big plans to grow your business this fall.  I know I am!  Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Good to know

Well, it's summertime and business is slow. I haven't recaptured my momentum from May just yet. We've been so busy with travel and baby things, Scentsy has taken the back burner. We're still making room for baby, but I have to make room for business too since I have a couple of people in need of scents, and I need some laundry stuff. I've loved/hated seeing the pics of fellow consultants in Punta Cana this past week. I'm determined to be on one of these trips someday. Tomorrow night is Online Steps to Sucess, and I'm looking forward to some inspiration. I always recommend participating in this monthly event with our upline Directors. I did complete a ticket with Consultant support about buying Velata from team members, and you are free to buy Velata from any Velata consultant even if they are in your downline. This is good to know for personal knowledge and recruiting. One last thing, there are several team members who are on schedule to be terminated as Scentsy Consultants if they don't pick up at least 1 PRV by the end of the month. If you haven't posted anything this year, this is you. If there is anything I can do or questions I can answer, don't hesitate to contact me. Summer on and Thunder Up!